Setting up remote working environment for businesses

Many businesses have started to adapt to a more flexible work arrangement for their staff in the post-pandemic world and working from home has become the norm for a lot of people. However unlike large companies many SMEs do not have the network & communication facilities ready to accomodate such changes. This is where we can help you.

Our experts can transform your existing office IT infrastructure and adapt your current devices to a remote working environment:

  • Secure VPN external access to your office network without the need of a costly 3rd-party VPN service
  • Cloud storage or in-house shared storage for work related files
  • Remote desktop service for staff working from home
  • VoIP service to allow support staff to answer phones calls on your main office numbers (Virtual Call Centre)
  • Mobile redirection service to divert calls to staff personal devices through the existing business numbers

If you require any assistance with the above items or want to discuss about your options, please get in touch with us by email or phone.